Blended Sheep/Cow Manure


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This is a mix of Sheep and Cow manure. It is intended to be mixed with existing garden material to improve the structure of the garden area. This is a great edition to a veggie garden or patch.


A blend of composted organic matter and manure. A nutrient rich humus which fuels plant growth and restores depleted soil. * Compost is not recommended to use on lawns, Our recommendation would be to use Special Lawn Mix. BENEFITS OF COMPOST:

  • The organic matter in compost binds with soil particles (sand, silt, and clay) to form small aggregates, or crumbs. Crumbly soil is said to have good structure, as opposed to sand, which has poor structure because it’s too coarse to form aggregates, or clay, which can act like cement when wet. These aggregates hold water on their surfaces, making it available to your plants as they need it. As aggregates form, more spaces are created for oxygen, an essential for good root growth. At the same time, the soil spaces form channels for excess water to percolate through the soil, improving drainage.
  • Increases water-holding capacity of soil. Compost can hold an amount of water equal to 200 percent of its dry weight, compared to 20 percent for a low-humus soil.
  • Acts as an inoculant to your soil, adding microorganisms and larger creatures such as earthworms and insects, which are nature’s soil builders. The compost environment is teeming with life, and all soils can benefit from such a rejuvenation.

m3 = cubic metre / 1 x 6×4 trailer = 0.7m3

Per Scoop = $32.00AUD

Per 6×4 Trailer = $64.00AUD


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1 Scoop, 6×4 Trailer Load (2 Scoops), Cubic Metre (3 Scoops)