Landscape Mix


SKU: N/A Category:


Landscape Mix

A blend of selected sands, NPK fertilisers, sheep manure and peat for water retention. As close to an all-round soil as possible. Suitable for planting lawns, garden beds, rockeries, fruit trees etc. It also maintains a good balance between moisture retention and proper drainage. Used extensively by the landscape trade for its versatility. Apply 50mm – 75mm to area for optimial coverage (depending on job) Not recommended for native plants due to its high nitrogen content. m3 = cubic metre / 1 x 6×4 trailer = 0.7m3 HEALTH WARNING THIS PRODUCT CONTAINS MICRO-ORGANISMS AVOID BREATHING DUST OR MISTS—WEAR PARTICULATE MASK IF DUSTY WEAR GLOVES AND KEEP PRODUCT MOIST WHEN HANDLING WASH HANDS IMMEDIATELY AFTER USE

Per Scoop = $28.50AUD

Per 6×4 Trailer = $57.00AUD


Additional information


1 Scoop, 6×4 Trailer Load (2 Scoops), Cubic Metre (3 Scoops)